Dear Esteemed Reader,

I would like to welcome you all to this edition of our Annual Report for 2022/2023. Over the last year, there have been commendable achievements in both administrative and program areas to improve our core operations, increase stakeholder engagement, and develop and enhance our workforce. MJAP boosts

of 19 years of comprehensive health system strengthening programs, and supporting the provision of comprehensive services for HIV & AIDS, TB, and other diseases, to meet the needs of all the people we serve.

MJAP has also over the years supported research initiatives in collaboration with our partners such as the Infectious Diseases Research Centre (IDRC), and the University of California SanFrancisco with the aim of achieving improved efficiency and quality of care in HIV prevention, care, and treatment. I would like to acknowledge the contribution of our funders and key stakeholders in the capacity strengthening of MJAP’s strategy, as we strive to achieve “Universal and Equitable Access to Quality Healthcare for Healthier Populations”.

I would also take this opportunity to affirm the commitment of the MJAP Board to providing oversight leadership, policy articulations, and programmatic governance to ensure there is efficient management of the organization. I count it a privilege to play these roles with these esteemed members. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Senior Management Team of MJAP under the leadership of the Executive Director, for steering the effective management of the organization. They have maintained a commitment to excellence. I wish you all an excellent festive season ahead

Yours sincerely,
PROF. KAMYA R. MOSES Chairman, Board of Directors

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