Integrated Biorepository of H3Africa Uganda
IBRH3AU Biorepository is an Integrated Biorepository under the H3Africa Biorepository Initiative located at Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) a Center of Academic Excellence, Health Care and Collaborative Research. IBRH3AU provides a resource of well characterized and annotated quality biospecimens to be used by future studies. This resource is utilised by communicable and non-communicable disease researchers in an African population.
Medical and Molecular Laboratories (MML)
We are Not-for-Profit Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) that was established at Makerere University College of Health Sciences in response to enormous gaps in health research, training and service delivery at Makerere University and partner institutions in Uganda.
MML supports and facilitates research and training at Makerere University with special emphasis on clinical and diagnostic laboratories in the disciplines of Human Anatomy, Pathology, Clinical Microbiology, Mycobacteriology, Immunology, and Molecular Biology.